Saturday, January 12, 2008

hello there

Hi, folks. After more than a six -month blogging sabbatical, I think it's time for a reboot! To catch you up a bit, in November I was joined in marriage to the most wonderful fellow. You will hear more about him, I'm sure! For now, though, I'll just share a couple of photos from our honeymoon in the Ozark Mountains.

There are more here.

It will be a while before my site looks and feels like 'me,' so please bear with me during the transition.


Sarah Marie


Jami Lyn said...

You are ever-so-loverly Sarah! :) I heart you big time.

Liz in the Mist said...

Welcome to blogger Sarah! Love the pics!

Grace said...

Glad to see you on blogger!
Thank you fo the comment on my site. How are things on the Luper front?

Alexis said...

I'm liking those flickr pics, I'm glad you found me!

Jelly said...

Your wedding photos were beautiful! Just thought I'd say...

Molly said...

Congratulations! I look forward to exploring your blog. :) (Love your pictures on flickr)