Monday, July 5, 2010

Necessity is the Mother of Invention and, um... Immitation

If you've ever been a nursing mom, you know that finding clothes that 'work,' is absolutely essential. Even with a fantastic nursing cover, it's so easy to have several wardrobe malfunctions in one sitting, especially with a hungry, energetic little babe...and this is NOT something you want to happen in the church lobby. NO. I've been weary of wearing the same two skirts to church for 10 weeks (and even slipped in some jeans, which I don't want to make a habit of). But I don't really want to spend big bucks on a whole new wardrobe either. So, I've been on the lookout for some patterns (well...not patterns, I hate patterns....more like 'ideas.') that would work well for this season of life, would be easy and cheap to make, and would sit nicely atop my nursing tanks. Then I saw this! I'm going to switch out the elastic part (elastic = nemesis) for a nice front tie that is easily maneuvered during feeding time, and I'll let you know how it works! I picked up some clearance fabric with these tops in mind a while back:

There is hope, nursing mothers! Now if I could only fit into my pre-pregnancy pants...there's time yet. :)

1 comment:

Homestead Roots said...

Oh I love that idea!! I cant wait to see it :) You will look absolutely adorable in it too ;)