Monday, July 19, 2010

Mug Shot Monday

Hello. So, last week kind of got away from me; some weeks just do that. My sweet little mister cut his first tooth, and is working hard on a second. He's three months old today (already?), and I'm thankful he's starting early, so we can get this teething business off to a good start, and maybe finish early, too. He's such a joyful little guy, and he really tries his best to keep his chin up, but these teeth really messed up his sleeping pattern. Before the teeth he was sleeping through the night and taking 3 long naps a day (I'm spoiled, I know!)...but last week we were lucky to get a half hour during the day, poor guy. So, blogging was low priority compared to caring for my babe and trying to get some winks for both of us!
But last night he only woke up once, and is taking a nice long nap now! I'm so glad he's catching up on some of the rest he needs. We'll see how long we can keep this up, but I'll take what I can get!

Three months. THREE MONTHS! Three months? Boy, it has gone by quickly. Some of my goals for this week: updating his baby book, hugging him and kissing him and squeezing him and snuggling him, taking more pics, and trying to remember and document all those little details that we will cherish 20 years from now.

And maybe, with a full night's sleep, I can get this home back in order...after more snuggles. :)

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