Thursday, July 1, 2010

Adding to the Beauty

"I want to add to the beauty, I want to tell a better story." If you haven't heard that song by Sara Groves, you need to go listen to it. Now.

Hmm. where do you start after an almost 2-year blogging hiatus? Here are a few things you've missed (unless, of course, you know me in real life!)


and this:

and this:

My cup overflows.

The Mister and I were blessed with a Little Mister a couple of months ago, and we've experienced so much of God's providence and beauty through being parents. Wow. Understatement of the year!

I want this to be a space where you and I are encouraged to remember. Remember grace, remember beauty, remember God's redemption story, remember how we are actually included in it. And also to share in the details of the good life: the meal-sharing, the home-making, the song-singing.

"And this is grace: an invitation to be beautiful....Redemption comes in strange places, small spaces, calling out the best of who we are."

Let's add to the beauty together,

Sarah Marie


Erin said...

Sooooo glad you're back, friend! Love your little man - such a sweetie pie!

Sarah Marie said...

Thanks, friend! Our little sweetie pie is looking forward to meeting your little cutie pie!

Liz in the Mist said...

Welcome back!!!