Thursday, July 31, 2008

mighty cute

The perfect little hand purse, in my opinion.
I would spend maybe a tenth of the price...
I'm looking for beauty at a bargain...

Monday, July 28, 2008

after the sabbath

What a restful Sabbath it was for us yesterday...especially for me, as I stayed home with this icky cold/cough/fever which was graciously passed on to me by one or more of my preschoolers. :) Oh, how I missed being among the people of God, worshiping Him together, remembering His covenant with us, learning His Word, singing praise to Yahweh arm in arm with Joshua. I was quite eager for him to return home with a Sermon summary, and news on how everyone is. (I suppose I will write soon about how much I love our church family at Heartland.) It's amazing how difficult it is to really rest sometimes, isn't it? Even though my body ceased to work and strive, I found myself really having to "take every though captive." I'm beginning to realize how much I stress myself out, really. My mind would wander from things coming up at work, to things I needed to do at home, to all of the many weddings I have to sing/play in soon, etc. His Word needs to speak more loudly than anything in this busy brain. "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." Col. 3:2 Thank God for that exhortation. I pray that I would more actively do that.

Yesterday I also got to try out my new Crock Pot! This really helps with keeping Sabbath rest, as the prep is so simple. I cut all of the veggies on Saturday night, and all I had to do was place the pot roast and all it's trimmings in the pot Sunday morning. It was perfect for this sick little homemaker yesterday. Joshua brought home a Shiraz, and we feasted on the goodness of the Lord.

For a few months now, I have been planning on having a second blog to journal my songwriting thoughts, and I'm almost ready to add a second blog about our journey toward Sabbath living. This blog here is trying to be to many things...and I think this may be the way to allow me to define and focus...and post more often!

I had planned on writing more, but I've got to put in a load of dishes before I'm off to work.
Have a lovely Monday!


Sarah Marie

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

this weekend

Looking forward to:

:: beholding these two beautiful brunettes
:: giving a big hug to the one on the right, who lives out of town :(
:: giving a big hug to the one in the middle, who's in the throws of wedding planning!
:: some good catch-up time over coffee.
:: praying together
:: cooking together
:: eating together
:: laughing together

The Almighty is so abundant in His grace, that He would chose to bless me with such faithful and loving friends.

Friday, July 4, 2008

'black brew'

Good morning, all. We've taken it slow around here this morning, with some french press coffee and the sound of Josh's guitar filling our rooms. We're off to a barbecue later this afternoon, but for now we are just savoring this once-in-a-blue-moon morning together.

In keeping with the theme of my blog: look here for a little bit of coffee history. It made us chuckle.

Enjoy your day!


Sarah Marie

Thursday, July 3, 2008

8 months.

We are two thirds of the way through our first year of marriage. It has been wonderful, and I've learned so much -- much more than I could condense into a blog post this morning. I'm so thankful for this man of God, and for the daily joys that come with being his helper. Love you, Joshua!

In other news, yesterday I got to work on #21. We've had Women & Marriage for a while now, but it wasn't until yesterday that I pulled it out. I listened to two lectures of Nancy Wilson's while cleaning our kitchen. As is always the case when I listen to or ready anything by this wise and biblically-oriented woman, I was convicted, challenged and encouraged towards godly thinking and right action within marriage and womanhood. Our kitchen is very thankful as well! If you are looking for a good listen, I would also recommend The Pleasant Home.

I was also blessed enough to spend time with a dear friend (#11) yesterday, although the time was way too short. And tonight, we will fellowship with some beloved newlyweds over barbecue!

Have a lovely fourth,

Sarah Marie

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

31 things for 31 days

I've been waiting for this month for a while. I'm not sure why, except that I know its a month in which I feel I can find a routine that works for us, and make some headway on a few things. We have no huge plans, no obligations, no performances. Just a good old chunk of time. After thinking about it a bit, here are 31 things I hope to achieve or attempt in this beautiful month of July (in no particular order).

1. make a couple of floor cushions
2. purchase new (to us) coffee table.
3. decide which week or weekend to make a trip out to see family.
4. memorize this.
5. remember, play, and rework some old songs.
6. bake a flan.
7. fashion two more couch pillows.
8. get crackin' on some long overdue correspondence and thank yous.
9. take Joshua on a picnic.
10. determine our 1st anniversary plans.
11. spend time with my dearest friends.
12. get a head start (or at least some planning done) on Christmas gifts and/or decor.
13. spend more time outside in the morning hours.
14. get back in the habit and discipline of journaling.
15. drink less coffee. *sigh*
16. learn a few standard folk fiddle tunes.
17. help best friend plan her October wedding!
18. go on walks around our cute neighborhood.
19. go through our 3,008 wedding photographs and pick specific ones to order. oh my.
20. dust off scrapbooking materials and preserve some memories.
21. listen to lectures or sermons while doing housework.
22. be more intentional about hospitality.
23. finish two books I've started.
24. make more meals ahead of time.
25. pick a day to do a time stewardship inventory.
26. get up a wee bit earlier.
27. practice newer songs and refine.
28. fine-tune my morning schedule.
29. write husband 'why I respect you' letters.
30. begin narrowing down set list for planned fall tour.
31. donate at least 3 bags of clothes to goodwill.

I'll be updating you on some of these things throughout the month. Here we go!
What are some things you hope to spend time doing in July?

Sarah Marie